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: Livelihood Women Empowerment (SHG)
: Sparsh, the implementing NGO for the Company under the women empowerment program, identified a number of mobilization and income-enhancing activities contextualized around their socio cultural milieu. Self-help groups remained the most effective engagement medium.The SHGs provided beneficiaries with sustainable income sources, an opportunity to participate in village development programs and enhanced visibility on public platforms through their concerns and voices.The number of SHGs stood at 271 and the membership at 2799 in 119 villages. Loans from National Bank for Rural Development (NABARD) were mobilised and women beneficiaries were guided in commissioning small income-enhancing enterprises.To boost up the marketing network of the SHG products, SPARSH in collaboration with NABARD has started Rural Mart at Rayagada. Rural Mart is a marketing platform where SHG products, especially the indigenous products are displayed for sale. It is first of its kind in the district. It has huge potential to meet the marketing challenge of SHG products. In addition to exhibit & sale their products, tribal SHG members who had never been to outside districts got opportunity to interact with SHG members of outside district & state and visualize entrepreneurship perspective. Group based enterprise are planned for our SHGs which are sustainable business growth and are eco friendly. Enterprises like organic broom binding, bamboo basket, turmeric and ragi processing, mushroom farming, goat rearing, siali leaflet, organic packaging have been taken up with the SHGs after analyzing its market potentials, source of raw material, storage and possible bottlenecks . The rural mart will buy the products from SHGs and will sell them to chosen vendors and market.
: Ksinghpur,Kolnara,Rayagada
Financial YearAmount Spent (in INR lakhs)
2020-21 0.00
2018-19 34.10
2019-20 61.35
Total Amount Spent 95.45

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