
+91-18003457111( 10.00AM - 06.00PM, working days ) gocare[at]investodisha[dot]org

: Capacity Building of Farmers Institution
: Sukinda is a tribal dominated mining area whereas agriculture is least priorities for the people. Villagers are depending on mining for their livelihood & because of limited employment opportunities in the mines. Around 40 percent of the tribal people depends on smallholder agriculture for their livelihood, the majority agriculture system is a substance level using traditional methods. However the context of an agriculture in tribal people is changing with increasing challenges of reduced soil fertility, erratic weather patterns due to climate change & changing markets. Now the small holder tribal farmers need to change the way they agriculture in terms of what they grow& how they grow it, but they lack the skills, knowledge & capacity to improve their productivity within this context. Through this project we provide capacity building through training of the farmers.
: Sukinda
Financial YearAmount Spent (in INR lakhs)
2020-21 3.22
Total Amount Spent 3.22

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