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: Project Jeevika Samridhhi (Farm Activity)
: A farm-based livelihood initiative in the name of Jeevika Samriddhi and it has been launched in October 2019 by the District Collector, Jharsuguda in presence of CEO, Vedanta, Jharsuguda. The major components and focus of the project are 1) Community Mobilisation (Develop into Agriculture Production Cluster, formation of FPO) 2) Development of Irrigation Infrastructure in collaboration with Govt schemes 3) Promotion of Cash Crops with advanced PoP 4) Technology Integration to enhance productivity 5) facilitation for Post-Harvest management and Marketing 6) Mobilization Govts scheme through convergence 7) Training to farmers to boost up their skills.
: Kolabira
Financial YearAmount Spent (in INR lakhs)
2020-21 17.65
Total Amount Spent 17.65

Project Photographs

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