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: Computer and drinking water support to SAMARTHA a Disabled home, Chatrapur
: Children with disabilities have the same rights as any other child, including the access to have clean water. The SDGs explicitly include disability and persons with disabilities, so it is imperative to promote disability inclusion to ensure access to water and sanitation for all, including people with disabilities, by 2030. Considering the above, Grasim Ganjam have provided aqua guard to SAMARTHA a disabled home at Chatrapur, which is a private run Disabled, where around 115 children with special needs are perusing their regular education through various institutions. People with disabilities meet barriers of all types. However, technology is helping to lower many of these barriers. By using computing technology for tasks such as reading and writing documents, communicating with others, and searching for information on the Internet, students and employees with disabilities are capable of handling a wider range of activities independently. To cope of the same, Grasim Ganjam also provided them the computer system to use technology during their studies. This unique initiative is for working in the area of providing IT education to the disabled students with a motive to create awareness through Digital Literacy.
: Chatrapur,Chhatrapur NAC
Financial YearAmount Spent (in INR lakhs)
2019-20 0.75
Total Amount Spent 0.75

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