
+91-18003457111( 10.00AM - 06.00PM, working days ) gocare[at]investodisha[dot]org

: Total Solar solution to 222 peripheral villages of M&R Complex, Damanjodi
: The projects provide electrification to the non electrified villages. In the absence of electricity the villagers have to spend that night in dark. Through the project solar home solutions and solar street lights are being installed to lit up the homes and inaccessible tribal villages which are not electrified by the Govt or have scanty light which make the village life unsafe. The project is also helping in raising the productive hours for the villagers
: Koraput,Narayanpatna,Pottangi,Semiliguda
Financial YearAmount Spent (in INR lakhs)
2017-18 0.00
2020-21 14.72
2019-20 22.21
2018-19 52.03
Total Amount Spent 88.96

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