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: Blankets for Homeless People
: There is no better gift than providing warm clothing to the needy during the winter season. Lakhs of homeless experience bitterness of winter and are at a great risk of suffering from severe illnesses. The rise in air pollution levels and the early onset of winter this year have made them vulnerable, but at the same time it has given us an opportunity to serve humanity by donating blankets to the needy. This winter become a part of our mission. There cannot be a bigger satisfaction than saving someones life.The objective of the initiative is to provide shield to the less privileged from the winter. like every year this year too, the drive is being carried in every area of the Ganjam district. We intend to distribute 500 numbers of blankets in and around Ganjam from our CSR initiatives.
: Ganjam
Financial YearAmount Spent (in INR lakhs)
2021-22 0.63
Total Amount Spent 0.63

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