
+91-18003457111( 10.00AM - 06.00PM, working days ) gocare[at]investodisha[dot]org

: Situated in one of the most backward Districts of the Country, Lanjigarh was regarded to be amongst the most isolated regions of India lacking the availability and access to even the most basic amenities including Education, Livelihood, Health and Sanitation. Lack of access to modern health services and overdependence on customary healing practices resulted in large scale deaths of local communities in the past. As per as health is concern the area was in very worst condition. The area was well known for epidemic malaria diarrhoea, malnutrition, high maternal infant mortality. There were the Government health centres, but these centre were inaccessible to the people who are residing in the remote location. A baseline study has been conducted by Asian Institute of Sustainable Development (AISD) in the year 2006. Asper the study of AISD and with public consultation the idea was derived that, there should be a robust health caresystem, So Vedanta Limited has opened in 2010, Vedanta Hospital, which is an advance health institution andtotally dedicated for the community. Vedanta Intervened in the area with Mobile Health Unit services in the year 2006, which brought drastic change in the area. Initially only 18 to 20 villages were covered, but since 2008 more than 60 villages are being covered. A schedule is prepared for the MHU visit to the peripheral villages. MHU Team comprise of one Doctor, one pharmacist, one ANM used to visit to the villages as per the scheduled. But in an emergency case MHU Team visits to the village which may not be scheduled. Camp site is selected while MHU visit where the situation is critical. Be foregoing to the site the villagers are informed. The critical cases are being referred to Vedanta Hospital and Higher Health Institutions. Objective is to Reaching the unreached and catering primary health services to the community at their door step.
: Lanjigarh
Financial YearAmount Spent (in INR lakhs)
2025-26 0.00
2024-25 0.00
2021-22 0.00
2022-23 0.00
2023-24 0.00
2014-15 178.05
2015-16 197.87
2016-17 234.84
2017-18 271.98
2018-19 294.11
2020-21 307.75
2019-20 325.53
Total Amount Spent 1,810.13

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