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: Dhokra Art
: Dhokra Art has been one of the oldest form of tribal art found in India, the art, technique and its essence has been passed on from one generation to the other. But this form of art had been lost somewhere with more focus and reliance on NTFPs and large scale migration of tribal people to different towns and cities in search of livelihood, all of this took away the rich hereditary craft away from its people. So in an effort to create livelihood opportunities for the rural folk who already have the knowledge and required skills of Dhokra Art, Vedanta has reached out to people residing in Kankeri village by polishing their existing skills through intensive training, providing market linkages and new techniques and ideas, which was lacking previously. People despite having local knowledge and skills of Dhokra Art, could not produce it for market and as a source of earning their means of livelihood. Through this project the livelihood of Dhokra artisans will be revived and stable income generation outlet will be created for the artisans. The objective will be to revive the livelihoods of Dhokra artisans and creating employment opportunities for youth, create inclusive growth and sustainable livelihood for artisans, provide marketing channels and linkages, provide physical and social infrastructure, link artisans with financial services provided by banks, provide skill training to artisans to create new designs and reducing migration of artisans.
: Lanjigarh
Financial YearAmount Spent (in INR lakhs)
2017-18 0.00
2018-19 8.40
2019-20 16.01
Total Amount Spent 24.41

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