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Mushroom Farming under Project UANAT

UANAT in partnership with UAIL and CSO partners has conducted a mushroom training of 03 days and a demonstration programme to the women members. It has made people aware on how this Mushroom Cultivation can give higher yields with very little investment. Also, the nutrition benefits and immunity boosting capabilities it has were elaborated to the members. Subsequently, the cultivation was initiated with the SHG members of village Regnasil. To handhold the members and to give them proper guidance and monitoring throughout the running of project, Expert Persons and Resource Persons who have expertise on the Mushroom Cultivation have been engaged in the field. From Straw Cutting and Soaking to Harvesting of Mushroom, the women members have shown keen interest and displayed utmost enthusiasm. In total, 20 beds of mushroom were prepared from which 250 grams was finally produced and harvested. The members got a profit of 120 Rs per one kg. The success of these members mobilized other SHG members.

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